Ed's Story
Ed Evans grew up in Anytown, US with two loving Christian parents and chose to follow Jesus at an early age. He never had any ambitions to become a Christian speaker or any thoughts about going into Christian ministry. He attended Anytown State College and got a degree in marketing.

College Crossroads
While in college he faced several situation that really challenged his faith. Many of his friends seemed to have no problem going to church on Sunday and professing their undying allegiance to Jesus and then going out and living the rest of the week exactly the opposite. But this caused Ed a lot of angst. He was repeatedly forced to choose between living for Jesus and going along with the crowd. He didn’t always make the right choice. But when he went along with the crowd, he always felt empty and disappointed. And when he stayed true to his faith, he was surprised to find himself feeling affirmed, even when he was ridiculed and abandoned by so-called-friends.
Corporate Crossroads
After college, Ed got a job in the sales department of Anytown Corp. It was in this time, Ed’s faith was challenged again. As a single guy, he would often go out after work with co-workers. Conversations were often about who closed what deal, who was angling for the next promotion, who had the hottest date. Even his co-workers who were Christians seemed to be focused primarily on making money, gaining prestige and finding a girlfriend.
During this time, Ed began volunteering with the youth ministry at Anytown Christian Church. He was challenged by passages in the bible that call us to “Seek first the kingdom of God…” and “not to be arrogant nor to put hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put hope in God…” He was captivated by the way some of the youths lives were being dramatically changed by God, and those happy-hour conversations about bonuses and promotions started to seem rather boring and pointless.

Seek First God and his Kingdom
One Wednesday, the youth ministry director asked Ed to fill in and lead youth group while he was out of town. He shared what was on his heart, and that he was putting aside the empty pursuits of this world and dedicating his seeking first God and his kingdom every day. He invited the youth to join him and 15 dedicated or rededicated their lives to Christ. The culture of the youth group changed. God was up to something amazing!
As word about what God was doing at Anytown Christian Church began to spread, Ed was asked to share his story at a state-wide youth conference. At the end of his talk, hundreds of youth rededicated their lives to Christ.
Ed began getting calls and emails from people he didn’t know asking him to come speak to youth groups, churches and conferences. It all seemed very surreal to Ed because he had no ministry or speaking experience. He was just a volunteer. But God has a history of using seemingly unqualified people to remarkable things for his glory. So, Ed told the Lord, “I don’t know what you’re up to, but as long as you keep bringing people to me asking to talk about you, I will keep saying ‘Yes.’”
Christian Speaker, Evangelist, Ministry Coach
Seven years later, Ed continues to say “Yes” when the Lord calls him to speak.
You can watch video and listen to audio of some of his talks on this website. And if you believe the Lord wants to speak to your group through Ed, you can contact him and schedule a time to talk about your ministry or event.
In 2015 Ed wrote a book titled “Seek First” that encapsulates what he has shared in many of his talks and stories of what he’s seen God do in the lives off those who have chosen to genuinely follow the Lord with all their heart.